Saturday, February 21, 2009

I Don't Understand

There are several cultural things that I just don't understand. Please shed some light if you do:
--I don't understand why I keep working in places where the children are obsessed with confederate flags and calling themselves rednecks. I am asking any confederate flag toting redneck to please shed some light on this because I don't understand.
--I don't understand why people think it's acceptable to ask me or anybody else if their hair is real. First of all, it's none of your business. Second of all, why do you care? Third of all, it's just plain rude. I honestly think people think it's a compliment when they ask me this question, but it's not; it's insulting.
--I don't understand why telling me that someone would want me to work for them because I am "young and aggressive" would be deemed as a compliment. For some reason the combination of me being a woman, being black, being tall, and being articulate makes me "aggressive" and "intimidating." I am so not aggressive. In fact, I'm a bit of a chicken at times. What is it about me that scares people?
--I don't understand why CNN spent 12 hours yesterday talking about that stupid chimpanzee and only 2 minutes about the racist New York Post cartoon.
--I don't understand why people are still hating on Barack Obama.

Please help me understand or feel free to let me know about anything that you don't understand.


Crazee Juls said...

Confederate flags, I don't understand either. There was a senior at our school who got one put on his "senior ring" a couple of years ago.... I asked him, "why in the world...?" He said it was part of his "heritage.." "Yes,
I said, "the part that showed intollerance and ignorance"... to which he had no reply..
The fact that his parents apparently supported this (they did write the check) really saddened me...
Good post!

The Mathews Family said...

I know, right!?

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

On the confederate flag: no idea. Ignorance breeds ignorance, right? Sad, but true.

Who asks if someone has real hair? That's like asking if a woman is pregnant - because you aren't sure but don't care about being offensive. What?!

I always thought aggressive meant more like a "go-getter" in the workplace.

On Obama-haters: most of them are Bush fanatics. If they can't find anything good to say about Bush, they've got to be nasty about Obama, I guess.

jmt said...

Hey there. I don't get the flag thing except that some people simply understand it as a sign of rebellion. Some are too ignorant to know or care that it was a symbol of the civil rights movement, anti-rights, I should say. But while we're at this one, can we ask about those people who drive around in their pick-up trucks with bulls balls hanging from the hitch? I don't get THAT one.

While they spend a lot of time on the angry chimp and the cartoon, they're failing to enlighten people to a lot of other situations as well. But they do focus on these two because 1) the Post is nationally published and 2) the chimp story is something people will like to read because it's horror-ish. People like grusome.

Hccm said...

John Legend wrote a letter to the Post about the 'cartoon" and it was brilliant. I wish I would have saved the link.

Hugs and Mocha,

Joshua said...

I'm with ya on the flag thing! I'm not sure that these "rednecks" understand what they are saying...

There are several Confederate flags around where I live....we are not in the South. I just don't get it.

CG said...

I have the same questions. Go figure!

Shanda said...

I think being tall automatically makes people think you are "aggressive." Especially if you carry yourself well; which I would imagine you do! I too am tall and get that a lot and I'm not aggressive either!

On the "hating on Obama..." I've never been a "hater" by any stretch of the imagination; but I'm NOT terribly fond of the fact that he just reversed the cell stem ruling...crossing some sacred and moral lines there and embracing those who are calling them "silly" doesn't sit well with me.

Carey-Life in the Carpool Lane said...

Just stopping over from your other blog...

I wish I could help you with answers to your questions but I don't have the answers...only more questions!

Two random thoughts on the hair...

I often get asked if I dye my oldest sons' hair?!?!?! Yes, it is unusual looking but NO! I do not dye a 4 year old boys hair!

I live in Southern California where we are known for being weird and shallow. Awhile back there were news stories about moms (who dye their hair blond) dying their kids hair blond to match theirs so they looked "natural." Crazy!

BTW, I love your header!

SE'LAH... said...

Wow! Love your blogs! This blog certainly raises the consciousness of people. I applaud you.

Furry Bottoms said...

Lots of things in life that are not understandable! I think that asking someone if that is their real hair is plain offensive! How rude!!

I've been called aggressive in my prior job, and it was never a good thing. Are you blunt? Maybe thats what they meant...

I LOVE Obama! I don't like to get political, but Obama is really shaking up the political world, which is LONG IN COMING! I think people hate on him because of that very same reason. Well, too bad for them. He's with us for the long run! :)

What does a confederate flag look like? It isn't like the british flag is it? Is there a difference? I have a british flag on one of my bracelets but its because I am british, no other reason. Now I'm paranoid... I don't want anyone thinking I support the confederates!

OK, I know that you posted this a month ago and I am just now getting to it. I've been focused on your other blog and now realized you had a diversity one. I love it!

Unknown said...

Why indeed! FOX News should just change it's name to NObama News Network. They are so bent on spreading the hate.
Stopping by from BlogRollers congrats on being FB!

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